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WhatsApp Chatbot vs Web Chatbot: Advantages & Disadvantages

We all are trying hard to head first into chatbot technology to learn about how to accomplish it in our business and how to reap benefits. People jumping into this space must know about the difference between a WhatsApp Chatbot and Web Chatbot. To speed up with everything you need to know about: How you

WhatsApp Marketing vs. Email Marketing

WhatsApp and Email marketing are two powerful tools that can be used to reach out to potential customers. While both share the common purpose of connecting with customers, they differ in terms of the range they offer. It’s important to understand how WhatsApp and Email work and the pros and cons of each, so you

Unlock the power of WhatsApp Marketing and transform your business

Whatsapp and Whatsapp marketing is essential for both personal communication as well as for business purposes. With over 2.44 billion users globally, WhatsApp is undoubtedly one of the most popular messaging apps. It’s so prominent that by understanding who’s using it and how we can strategize our businesses in a better manner. There are multiple

Conversational AI: Latest innovation in customer care

The year is 2023, and AI and other recently developed technologies have begun showing their true potential. Due to the lack of innovation in the field and technologies making huge leaps in terms of progress, this particular industry has been affected way too much. Auto rejection of calls and options to block unknown numbers means

What is WhatsApp Marketing? and How is it useful for a Fintech?

Can you scale your conversion rates up to 7 times the current amount using your WhatsApp business account? Well, probably not. Not alone anyway. However, these results are obtainable using Whatsapp Marketing and with a little help from our WhatsApp business API. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at why WhatsApp marketing is

WhatsApp API: A revolution in the customer service industry

Customer service agents have recently started benefiting from Whatsapp api and other AI-powered tools. This is a shift from the traditional ways of dealing with customers and is clearly affecting every industry in one way or the other. For any industry to thrive, it needs to have repeat customers and a loyal following. Both are

How to boost your sales using a WhatsApp Business API?

WhatsApp is a popular messenger platform, with over 100 billion messages have been delivered a day. It has billions of users all over the world. WhatsApp API is an application program interface that allows businesses to receive and answer unlimited WhatsApp messages, launched in 2018. It provides medium and large businesses with a personalized solution

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