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Conversational AI: Latest innovation in customer care

The year is 2023, and AI and other recently developed technologies have begun showing their true potential. Due to the lack of innovation in the field and technologies making huge leaps in terms of progress, this particular industry has been affected way too much. Auto rejection of calls and options to block unknown numbers means that more than half of the customer care industry’s efforts are wasted as their calls are not even connected to their consumers. On the one hand, technology has been the bane of this industry, but on the other hand, there have been several instances where technology has assisted and even solved problems for this industry. Today we’ll be looking at seven case studies where conversational AI has either solved this industry’s existing problem or has aided in speeding up the process.

First, let’s look at what constitutes a conversational AI.

What is a conversational AI?

Conversational AI refers to a tool or a collection of software that uses machine learning to communicate with customers. This way of carrying out a conversation has huge advantages:

1. Save valuable resources like time and effort that you might otherwise waste in training new customer service agents.

2. The use of AI means that the response will be instant and accurate.

3. Send reminders and alerts, process orders, and help track them.

4. Comparatively cheaper than hiring a new customer service agent.

Although 100% of customers do not prefer conversational AI, a growing percentage of consumers feel that a chatbot is much more efficient than a human. To add weight to that claim, here are seven user cases where conversational AI has helped the customer service industry:

1) Answer FAQs

FAQs, or frequently asked questions, are a selection of queries that customers commonly ask. These questions are repetitive and most often do not need a complex answer. By determining the FAQs, You will be able to feed them to the conversational AI, who can answer on your behalf. This means that you can save time and manpower by allowing such simple tasks to be done by conversational AI. 

For example, consider that your company is launching a new product that will make some waves in the market. Imagine the hundreds and thousands of messages and calls you’ll get for the next week. Curious customers who want to know more about your product will always call in. Instead of overwhelming your customer care department, you can train the AI to answer the FAQs and fully automate them. The customers will be happy that they got a swift and accurate answer, while your customer care department can rest happily knowing that the AI is doing all the heavy lifting.

2) 24/7 customer care availability

No employee would be willing to work for the entire 24 hours a day, and neither should they. That means if your company plans on providing customer support for customers 24×7, you’ll have to hire 2 teams of customer care agents willing to work in two shifts. This also means you’ll have double the expense. With an AI-powered chatbot, you do not have to worry so much. The AI doesn’t sleep, nor does it needs to. With the help of a conversational AI, you can support your customer every minute of the day.

3) Support for the customer care

Bot are much quicker at researching and retrieving information when compared to regular customer care agents, meaning that they would be tremendously helpful. On top of the fast computing speed, you can teach your chatbot about the technical terms and jargon in your specific industry. This will enable the bot to have better and real conversations with new customers and clients. 

4) Build unique customer relationships

Imagine a customer has a query that needs to be addressed quickly. A chatbot will instantly take care of it, resulting in a happy and satisfied customer. With preloaded answers to all the FAQs, the chatbot will be able to customize the user experience accordingly, giving everyone an excellent user experience. On top of this, the conversational AI will also be able to assist customers with their orders or pull up pictures of what they are searching for. These helpful interactions can create a good impression and a great bond with the customer.

5) Voice Assistance

As our society becomes more and more advanced, so does its need to adapt to the growing needs of its consumers. Voice searches constitute a huge percentage of online searches done these days. By equipping your conversational AI with the ability to accept audio input, you can create better interaction between the company and its customer. Be it a social media platform, a shopping app, or a website, by giving your clients the ability to communicate and ask their doubts directly, you create a quick, easy and convenient way of serving your customers.

6) Customer care and customer onboarding

One of the key issues faced by new customers is their difficulty navigating a new app. Often overwhelmed customers tend to leave or uninstall the app soon after joining. We can change this with the help of a friendly chatbot that can assist them in exploring the functionalities of the new app and clearing any queries they might have.

7) Order cancelling, Refund, and Complaint Processing

One of the most important functions of customer care is not during the sale but after. Order canceling, refunding, returning, and complaint processing must be done swiftly and without hassle. An AI chatbot will help in assisting the customer instantly and continuously until needed.


No matter your view on AI, there is no denying that our future will have a place for it. We must incorporate newer technologies and faster methods of processing data into everyday business to maximize production and efficiency. Conversational AI is an extremely effective tool that we must utilize more, and customer care is one of the many industries that has recently discovered its vast potential. These user cases are a perfect example of how conversational AI, or AI in general, can help improve any industry or business.

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